A while ago we decided to give HeyHey Pix away for free on the iTunes Store the first two days of school here in Belgium. Going back to school after summer is painful so we wanted to make the start a bit easier.

We had no idea what the reach could be or what to expect.

Our budget to spread the message: $25.

What we did. 

Our friends at Walkie Talkie sent a mail out to relevant on- and offline contacts in Belgium.

We created an image to post on our facebook page and Bue's facebook page, we promoted these two posts for $25.

We mailed a couple of friendly influencers (only a few since we just promoted the launch and did not want to spam them :) )

We posted the promotion on a couple of relevant websites.

Monday morning. Set and go. Only problem. Facebook canceled our promoted posts since the image contained too much text. Aaaargh. (images used in promotions should not contain more then 20% text, remember that)

Anyway, we replaced the image on our page with a new one and simply posted the link to the iTunes store on Bue's page (we didn't want to post two HeyHey Pix related images that fast after one another on Bue's page since fans of his street art are not necessary fans of apps for kids). 

As you may or may not know, this slowed down things because it takes a while before a facebook promotion kicks in. Finally we got everything rolling and we watched and learned.

As for the result.

HeyHey Pix was downloaded 19.328 times during these 2 days. 

Is that much? No idea. 

Our aim was 10.000 (which we thought was a lot). 

Number 1 market? China (over 5000 downloads).

Russia performed well, but as a general trend we noticed interest from Asia (Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Korea, Taiwan).

Most noticable tweet  (260K followers!)

Let's hope this is another step to spreading the HeyHey Apps and Bue love worldwide.

Thanks everyone for helping us spreading the message.

Stay tuned for updates and new apps.

Authorstefan vandegehuchte